Paris College of International Education
Paris College of International Education is a virtual international college with a mission to develop and offer degree programs that focus on quality, convenience, and affordability.
PCIE was established with the authority of the Rector of the Paris Academy, Rector of the Ile-de-France academic region as a higher education establishment. Therefore, Paris College of International Education is a virtual college recognized by the Paris Academy as degree-granting.
Through the UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees concerning Higher Education in the States belonging to the Europe Region 1979, degrees from PCIE will be recognized by nations around the world.
The French higher education system is characterized by the coexistence of several types of institution. There are: universities; grands établissements publics (major public institutions); grandes écoles (elite schools); administrative public institutions; private higher education institutions or schools. Paris College of International Education falls under the category of private higher education establishment. The degrees obtained from the Paris College of International Education are in accordance with the French Code - Decree of January 25th, 1876, Articles L. 731-2, L. 731-3 and L. 731-4.
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